Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why Is Google Buying Content?

Google's recent acquisition of Frommer's is a bold move to increase user convenience in search results especially in mobile usage. Frommer's is a reputable publisher of worldwide travel destinations guides. It provides travel tips on accommodation, sight seeing & eating virtually about anywhere in the world.

Google similarly acquired popular American restaurant guide Zagat last year. The aggregation of quality content stems from the company's desire to improve search results with relevant content & targeted advertising.

With the launch of Knowledge Graph  Google made an important step towards improving search results by connecting searched keyword to relevant real world content such as people, places & things. By providing you the correct information right at the search page Google wants to increase its advertising relevance especially based on location. Moreover Google needs content to display on the Knowledge Graph boxes.

Accurate local content is the key for the future of both search & online advertising especially on mobile. When you are searching for the office building of your next business meeting you rather get a map & address than mere list of websites. And if Google Answers can help you, it's even better. Google understands this and is aiming to provide you with all the good answers right at the search page. By incorporating quality content on travel destination & restaurants Google wants to show you relevant targeted local advertising along with its content.