Monday, February 20, 2012

Majority of Turkish Tweens Own Mobile Phones

Tipeez.con is the largest online tween platform in Turkey with over 1.3 Million members and 2 Million monthly unique visitors. Most Tipeez members are below the age of 15. In Tipeez we create high engagement projects with kids such as   creating comics, writing blogs & sharing stories. We are constantly engaging them in conversations over things they like and the issues of their age group. Some of the conversations also evolve around brands they we work with receiving important feedback on their constantly changing habits.

Recently we conducted a poll asking them which cellular company they use for mobile and if they have a mobile phone. 12.305 Tipeez members answered in few days.

The results were surprising. Over 70% of respondents confirmed that they own mobile phones. The most popular brand for GSM provider is Turkcell with almost 43%. Overall the market share of GSM companies among Tweens are similar to the their general market penetration.

Next we will poll Tipeez members about their Smartphone and mobile Internet usage.

It looks like the next generation of Turks are more tech savy then their parents.